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Author : Talbot, Michael
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthorTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Fanna, Antonio; Talbot, Michael (eds.)Vivaldi vero e falso: Problemi di attribuzione. [Vivaldi true and false: Problems of attribution] Congres Vivaldi: Falsifications et mystifications, Poitiers, 1991. Firenze: Olschki, 1992. 192p. ISBN: 88-222-3987-3. (= Studi di musica veneta: Quaderni vivaldiani, 7) StudiMVenetaQuadVivaldi 7 1992 192p
2. Talbot, MichaelA Further Borrowing from Albinoni: The C Major Fugue BWV 946. [cr]Rostock1990 1995 142-161
3. Talbot, MichaelA Vivaldi Sonata with obbligato Organ in Dresden. OrganYb 12 1981 81-103
4. Talbot, MichaelDe Italiaanse wereldlijke cantate. [The Italian secular cantata] [ce]WereldBachCantates 2 1997 32-47
5. Talbot, MichaelDie italienische weltliche Kantate. HandbMlGattungen 17 2 2010 25-32
6. Talbot, MichaelDie italienische weltliche Kantate. [ce]WeltBachKantaten 2 1997 33-48
7. Talbot, MichaelDie Violine als Imitator anderer Instrumente in der Musik von Antonio Vivaldi und Tomaso Albinoni. Telemann, der musikalische Maler. TelemannKonfBer 15 2010 56-69 [cr]Magdeburg2004
8. Talbot, MichaelItariago no Sezoku Kantata. [Die italienische weltliche Kantate] Trans. by Tadashi Isoyama and Hiroshi Nonaka. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 2 2002 53-78
9. Talbot, MichaelPurpose and Peculiarities of the Brandenburg Concertos. DortmundBachF 2 1999 255-289
10. Talbot, MichaelPurpose and Peculiarities of the Brandenburg Concertos Paper read at the 2nd Dortmunder Bach-Symposions, 21-24 January 1998. [p]BS_Dortmund Jan 1998
11. Talbot, MichaelPurpose and peculiarities of the Brandenburg Concertos. A Paper read at Eighth Biennial Conference on Baroque Music, Univ. of Exeter, 9-12 July 1998. [p]BCB_Exeter Jul 1998
12. Talbot, MichaelThe Concerto Allegro in the Early Eighteenth Century. MLetters 52 1, 2 Jan; Apr 1971 8-18; 159-172
13. Talbot, MichaelWenzel von Morzin as a Patron of Antonio Vivaldi. FaschSt 9 2003 67-76

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita